Passengers in commercial and private buses frequently ride to save money, for convenience, as part of a church, school or organizational function, or because they feel safer leaving the driving to a professional. But passenger buses often are not equipped with seat belts, and the presence of luggage, dozens of other passengers, and walls of windows, make the inside of a bus extremely hazardous in the event of an accident.
The bus accident lawyers at Abels & Annes fight for the rights of accident victims in complex bus accident cases, which often involve in–state and out–of–state busing companies, drivers and insurance companies; as well as state and federal regulations. Multiple accident victims usually seek compensation in the wake of a serious or fatal bus accident and hiring an Arizona injury law firm to handle your case can be critical to protecting your rights. Learn more about how the Phoenix personal injury attorneys at Abels & Annes, P.C. can help you with your bus injury.
Bus Accidents in Arizona
- 246 people were seriously injured in Arizona bus accidents in 2008.
- 1,466 Arizona bus accidents were reported.
- 10 people were killed.
School Bus Accidents
- 466 school bus accidents were reported in Arizona in 2008.
- 3 people were killed.
- 100 people were injured.
- An average of 142 people are killed each year in school bus accidents nationwide.
- 19 are school–aged children; 14 of those are killed in pedestrian accidents.
School Bus Accidents
Millions of parents rely upon school buses to get their children to and from school safely each day. Dealing with a serious or fatal school bus accident is a tragedy no family should have to endure.
School Bus Accident StatisticsUnfortunately, school bus accidents are one of the most common threats to safety faced by school children each day. An average of two school bus accidents occur per school day in Arizona. And because children are not buckled in and are often turned around and moving around, injuries can and do result from these school bus crashes.
Our Phoenix Bus Accident Law Firm
At Abels & Annes, we take special care in working with families dealing with the serious injury or death of a child. Arizona school bus accidents can result from any number of causes, including poorly trained and inexperienced bus operators, distracted driving, poorly maintained buses, overcrowding, road defects and other at–fault drivers on the road.
Additionally, nearly three–quarters of children who are seriously injured or killed by a school bus are struck while boarding or de–boarding. Children may also be injured or killed in an Arizona pedestrian accident while waiting for a bus at a poorly visible or poorly placed bus stop or while crossing the street in an area that lacks school crossing guards, crosswalks or other marked safety zones.
Contact our office for a free consultation to discuss your Phoenix bus injury accident claim today. Contact Abels & Annes online or call (855) 749-5299.
Types of School Bus Accidents
School bus accidents is a broad umbrella term that can refer to many kinds of accidents. Most common are accidents when a school bus is stationary and when it is moving.
Accidents at School Bus Stops
The law requires that drivers stop for school buses to load or unload children in many circumstances. This is to ensure that kids as young as 6 can safely get on or off a school bus without the risk of moving vehicles causing them harm. Unfortunately, some drivers have ignored these requirements and caused accidents that could have been avoided with patience.
Moving School Bus Accidents
Another type of accident involving school buses is a moving traffic accident. Sometimes these are caused by the school bus driver, either because of distracted driving or driving while intoxicated, but most often these are the fault of another driver on the road. Some accidents involving school buses include rear-end collisions and side impacts, among others. Since school buses carry large amounts of children, it is especially important that drivers avoid using their phones while driving around school buses and avoid driving aggressively while sharing the roam with them.
Why Hire a School Bus Accident Attorney
Hiring an Arizona injury law firm can be critical to protecting your rights. At Abels & Annes, we will thoroughly investigate the causes of the accident, determine who is responsible, and conduct a comprehensive review of your child's medical needs.
Determining the extent of your child's injuries and the possible long–term medical consequences is critical when dealing with child injury cases. Bone injuries, joint injuries, head injuries, scaring and other medical conditions are complicated by the growth process. Hiring a law firm experienced in child injury cases will help ensure your child's welfare and the future financial well–being of you and your family.
If you are dealing with an Arizona school bus accident, contact the Phoenix injury lawyers and wrongful death attorneys at Abels & Annes for a free and confidential appointment to discuss your rights.
Call (602) 819–5191 or (855) 749-5299 for a Free and Confidential Appointment Arizona School Bus SafetyDrivers
- Watch for children walking or bicycling to or from school. Pay particular attention when leaving a driveway or garage or when backing up a vehicle.
- Pay particular attention to school zones; they are in place to prevent tragedy for both you and the families of school children in the area. Watch for children who may not be paying attention; it's your job to avoid an accident.
- Slow down. Watch for children crossing or walking in the street, particularly in areas where there are no sidewalks or where there are known bus stops.
- Stay alert. Children may dart into the street, particularly when late for a bus or for school.
- Learn and obey all school bus laws. Learn and obey bus lights. Yellow lights mean a bus is preparing to stop and load or unload children. Motorists should slow and prepare to stop. Red flashing lights mean a bus has stopped and children are loading or unloading. Cars must stop and wait until the lights stop flashing and the bus begins to move. It is illegal to pass a stopped school bus with red flashing lights.
- Allow plenty of time to be at the bus stop at least five minutes before your bus is scheduled to arrive.
- Stand three big steps – at least 6 feet – away from a bus as it arrives at the curb.
- Wait for direction from the driver before attempting to board a bus.
- Walk in front of a bus at least 10 feet before crossing in front of a bus. Make sure a driver sees you before stepping off the curb in front of a bus.
- Avoid falls by using bus handrails. Secure loose items and be sure backpacks, drawstrings, clothing and other items do not get caught on a bus, or on the handrails or doors.
- Never walk behind a bus.
- Never walk beside a bus; remain at least 6 feet away from a bus at all times, except when boarding with the driver's permission.
- Never attempt to retrieve an item dropped near a bus. Tell the driver. A driver may not be able to see you if you attempt to retrieve an item from near or beneath a bus.
- Talk to your children about bus safety and spend the time with them that is necessary to help ensure they understand these rules and the safety tips necessary to stay safe in or around a school bus.
Source: Adapted from information provided by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Determining Fault in a Bus Accident in Phoenix

Whether an accident is the fault of a bus operator or the driver of another vehicle, in almost every case it is clear that the passengers aboard the bus are not to blame and are not responsible for the collision. Yet despite the fact that they bear no fault for the crash, these passengers often find it difficult to deal with the bus companies and to receive the relief they need. Though the law entitles accident victims to seek payment from the responsible party or parties, in many accidents, these people may deny they were at fault or may blame another for the crash. Any of these techniques can greatly delay a settlement on behalf of the injured bus victim and that delay can mean that a victim is not receiving medical treatment needed, may not be working because his or her injuries are too significant, and may be falling behind on paying bills as a result.
Many accident victims benefit by retaining legal representation to help them through the process and towards a successful recovery. An injury attorney can help a victim pursue all avenues of recovery so that the maximum award possible may be recovered. By thoroughly investigating the causes of your accident, our attorneys will build a case capable of seeking compensation from all appropriate parties involved in the accident. A comprehensive review of available insurance will also allow us to determine your best course of legal action.
Medically, it is important to understand that the consequences of many types of injuries may not be readily apparent following a busing accident. The symptoms of head injuries, joint injuries and even spinal cord injuries, can take weeks or months to manifest. Additionally, the long–term consequences of injuries sustained in a serious bus accident may remain unknown for years. At Abels & Annes, we will work with your medical staff and outside medical experts and professionals to help ensure that you are getting the care you need and that we are aware of any possible future medical consequences for which you should be compensated.
When the negligence of a bus owner, operator or leasing company leads to an accident, or when a careless driver on the road causes a busing accident, you can and should be compensated for your injuries, including current and future medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, rehabilitation expenses and disability in the event you are unable to return to work. The lawyers at Abels & Annes are dedicated to ensuring that anyone dealing with a serious or fatal bus accident has the legal representation they deserve. Contact our office for a free and confidential appointment to discuss your rights.
Hire A Phoenix Bus Accident Lawyer Today
If you have been involved in an accident that left you hurt or injured, you may have a claim for your damages. We offer all accident victims a free case consultation to learn whether they have a case and, if so, what options may be available. To take advantage of this free consultation, call us today toll free at (855) 749-5299 or locally at (602) 819-5191. At Abels & Annes, P.C., we will never charge you a fee unless we make a recovery on your behalf, so call us today and let us help you after an accident.
If you have been hurt in a bus accident, call us today at (855) 749-5299 or Contact Us online for a free consultation.