Should I Call a Lawyer After Rear-end Collision Injuries in Phoenix?

October 12, 2021 | David Abels
Should I Call a Lawyer After Rear-end Collision Injuries in Phoenix? Traffic in and around Phoenix, Arizona, has increased significantly over the past few years. With this increase in traffic comes the heightened potential for rear-end motor vehicle crashes in that locale. In addition to Downtown Phoenix, there is significant traffic on the local interstate highways, including I-40, I-410, I-510, and I-710. At downtown intersections, rear-end collisions happen when drivers fail to stop or accelerate too quickly. In contrast, rear-end collisions on interstate highways occur when traffic suddenly backs up and overzealous drivers can’t stop in time. Some rear-end collisions that occur on these highways also involve more than two vehicles. These chain-reaction collisions happen when the front of one vehicle strikes the rear of another vehicle and so on, creating a domino effect. Although rear-end accidents are common on highways and other roadways around Phoenix, these accidents are not limited to Arizona. In fact, according to statistics provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 29 percent of traffic accidents that occur throughout the United States are rear-end-crashes. These rear-end collisions happen for various reasons, but the most common reason is driver negligence, error, and inattentiveness. In fact, when a rear-end collision occurs, the law assumes that the rear driver is at fault for the accident. Rear-end accidents can also lead to debilitating injuries that require medical treatment, hospital stays, surgeries, and sometimes physical therapy. This treatment can be expensive, and victims of rear-end traffic accidents often face high medical bills and other damages. Fortunately, the victims of these accidents may be in a position to file a claim or lawsuit that seeks monetary compensation for their injuries. You’ll want to call a Phoenix car accident lawyer for help. If you have suffered an injury in a rear-end car collision, your primary concern should be getting the medical treatment that you need to recover from your injuries. Even if you are not feeling symptoms immediately after your accident, it is important that you at least follow up at a hospital emergency room or local urgent care center and get checked out. This is because symptoms of rear-end collisions do not always show up right away. In fact, symptoms can sometimes take days or even weeks to become apparent. At your initial hospital or urgent care visit, a health care provider will have the opportunity to examine you, and if necessary, refer you for follow-up treatment with a primary care doctor or specialist. In addition to seeking follow-up medical care and treatment for your injuries, consult an experienced Phoenix car accident attorney about your accident as soon as possible. An attorney can meet with you to discuss the facts of your accident and how it occurred. Your lawyer could also determine if you can file a car accident claim, and if so, he or she could file the claim on your behalf. In short, your attorney can handle all of the legal aspects of your case while you focus the bulk of your time and attention on recovering from your car accident injuries and getting better.

Ways that Injury-causing Rear-end Collisions Happen

Drivers could avoid many rear-end car accidents and injuries if they simply took the time to watch their speeds and slow down. When drivers violate speed limits and operate their vehicles overzealously, they increase the chances that they will bring about a serious rear-end-type collision in which they will injure other drivers or passengers. Some of the most common causes of rear-end car collisions that lead to serious injuries include the following:

Drunk and Intoxicated Driving

When drivers operate a vehicle while they are impaired—or under the influence of alcohol—they put others at significant risk. Since alcohol is a depressant, consuming it can slow down the central nervous system’s ability to function correctly. A driver who is under the influence may experience delayed reaction times, impaired vision, and other complications while driving. Impaired reaction time plays a big part in a driver’s inability to stop his or her vehicle, often bringing about a rear-end collision with another vehicle. A driver is per se intoxicated if his or her blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08 percent or greater. Even a driver with a lower than 0.08 percent BAC could be sufficiently impaired to cause a serious rear-end car crash. In addition to being found criminally liable for drunk driving, a person whom a court finds guilty or convicts could also face a civil suit if he or she causes an accident that leads to injuries. When that happens, the drunk driver’s motor vehicle insurance company steps in to cover the damages.

Violating the Arizona Rules of the Road

Arizona rules of the road regarding speed limits, yielding the right-of-way, and traffic signals are in place to help prevent accidents—including rear-end accidents—from occurring. When drivers go over the speed limit, fail to allow enough stopping distance, or disregard a traffic signal, they increase the chances of bringing about a rear-end collision that leads to serious injuries. All Phoenix drivers must operate their vehicles in a safe, careful, and prudent manner at all times.

Distracted motor vehicle operation

Distracted driving occurs when a motor vehicle operator pays attention to something other than the roadway, such as a cellular phone, tablet, or other electronic devices that are present in the vehicle with him or her. Distracted driving also happens when a driver turns his or her head to discipline a young child in the back seat or listens to loud music in the car. If you have suffered an injury in a rear-end collision that occurred because of negligent motor vehicle operation, a knowledgeable Phoenix car collision attorney in your area could assist. A lawyer can investigate your accident and assist you with any claim or lawsuit that you may file for your injuries.

Rear-end Car Accident Injuries

When the front of one motor vehicle collides with the rear of another vehicle, serious injuries can result. In a rear-end car crash, injuries that involve the head, shoulders, neck, and back are especially common. This is because the collision can create a sharp jerking motion that quickly moves the accident victim’s body forward and backward. This abrupt movement can result in a whiplash or soft-tissue injury. In addition, the force of the collision may cause some part of the accident victim’s body to forcefully strike the inside of the vehicle. For example, an accident victim could strike his or her head on the steering wheel, headrest, or window, sustaining a traumatic head or brain injury (including a concussion). A part of the accident victim’s body might also strike the front console, dashboard, or door, resulting in a serious and debilitating injury. Some of the most common injuries that victims of rear-end car crashes suffer include abrasions, bruises, cuts, scrapes, fractures, broken bones, soft tissue injuries, spinal cord injuries, and internal damage. In addition to seeking prompt medical attention at a hospital or urgent care center following a Phoenix rear-end collision, accident victims may also need to follow up with a primary care doctor or a medical specialist, such as an orthopedist, for the injuries he or she sustained. In serious car accident cases, accident victims may need to undergo an operation, such as surgery, at a high financial cost. In cases where an accident victim’s injury causes him or her to experience a significant amount of pain, the accident victim may need to receive an injection or participate in some other type of pain management treatment. Finally, the accident victim might need to participate in physical therapy sessions to get back to normal. If you have suffered an injury in a Phoenix rear-end accident, your first step should be to seek prompt medical treatment as soon as you possibly can. You should also follow up with a knowledgeable Phoenix rear-end collision attorney as soon as possible after your accident. Your attorney will explain all of your legal options and help you decide on the best option for pursuing the compensation you deserve for your car accident injuries.

The Importance of Seeking Prompt Medical Treatment Following Your Rear-end Car Crash

One of the most important things that you can do following a rear-end car crash is to seek prompt, same-day medical treatment. There are several reasons why it is important to seek medical treatment as soon as possible after your accident. The first reason is that in many instances, symptoms of injuries do not become apparent until several days or weeks have passed after your accident. If you wait until too late to get medical attention, a relatively minor injury can become much worse. When you seek initial medical treatment, a hospital or urgent care doctor can examine you and run the necessary tests and imaging studies, such as MRIs and X-rays, to determine your medical condition. The healthcare provider can also recommend follow-up medical treatment, such as with a specialist or a primary care doctor, in the event you may need it. Another important reason to seek prompt medical treatment is for your car accident case. If you do not seek follow-up medical treatment after your accident, the at-fault driver’s insurance company may believe that you are not taking your injuries seriously and/or that you were not all that seriously injured in the accident. As a result, the insurance company may offer you less compensation than if you had been treated for your injuries right away. In a motor vehicle collision claim, the at-fault driver’s insurance company will not do you any favors. Rather, they will do whatever they can to minimize the extent of your injuries to offer you as little monetary compensation as possible. Delaying medical treatment after your accident gives the insurance company additional ammunition to undervalue your case. Once you have undergone initial medical treatment following your accident, you should continue treating your injuries regularly, ensuring that there are no large gaps in your treatment. Again, suppose the insurance company sees gaps of weeks or months in your medical care. In that case, it will assume that the treatment at issue was not necessary—or that it was not related to the injuries that you suffered in your accident. Once you have completed all medical treatment for your accident-related injuries, a knowledgeable Phoenix car accident lawyer can file a claim on your behalf. Once your attorney files your claim with the insurance company, your attorney can negotiate with the adjuster to pursue a favorable settlement offer.

Deadline for Filing a Phoenix Rear-end Collision Claim or Lawsuit

If you have suffered injuries in a Phoenix rear-end motor vehicle collision, you should retain a knowledgeable attorney to represent you in your case as soon as possible. This is because of the two-year Arizona statute of limitations. In Arizona, victims of car accidents have only two years from the date of their accident in which to file a claim or lawsuit in the court system. If you don't file a claim or lawsuit within two years, you can't recover monetary compensation for your injuries. An experienced Phoenix rear-end accident lawyer can file a timely claim or lawsuit in your case, ensuring that you can pursue the compensation you need for the injuries, pain, and suffering that you had to endure following your accident. The right lawyer will understand how costly a rear-end crash can be and will protect your rights.

Speak With an Experienced Phoenix Rear-end Collision Lawyer Today About Your Legal Matter

Phoenix Auto Injury Lawyer Dave Abels
Dave Abels, Phoenix Car Accident Lawyer
If you suffered injuries in a Phoenix rear-end accident, a knowledgeable Phoenix car accident attorney can assist you. If the insurance company won't offer you the compensation that you need for your injuries, your attorney could file a lawsuit and litigate your case to a prompt and efficient conclusion. Phoenix Office 714 E Rose Ln #200 Phoenix, AZ 85014

Toll Free: (855) 749-5299 Local: (602) 819-5191 Fax: (602) 819-4841

David Abels Author Image

David Abels


David Abels has carved a niche for himself in the personal injury law sector, dedicating a substantial part of his career since 1997 to representing victims of various accidents. With a law practice that spans over two decades, his expertise has been consistently recognized within the legal community.

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