Vehicles With Lanterns Attached Are Legal

Tying Dogs to a Car Roof is Illegal
You might think lawmakers never needed to address this, but they did. It is specifically illegal to tie a dog to the roof of a vehicle in some areas of the U.S., even in a pet carrier. This should seem like common sense, but you never know. Can you imagine driving down the street and seeing a dog come flying off the roof of a car and you strike it? Not only can the dog wind up dying, but you can also suffer injuries in such a car accident.Jumping From a Moving Car is Illegal
Another law that seems like it should be common sense is that you cannot jump from a moving car traveling at 65 miles per hour or faster. Accidents involving such an incident can happen due to someone who is car surfing in violation of the law and falls off the vehicle, landing on your hood or hitting your windshield. If this happens, you might lose control of the vehicle to the point where it rolls and traps you.Drivers Cannot Shoot Animals From Their Vehicles Unless It Is a Whale
Have you ever wanted to shoot an animal from your vehicle? Make sure it is only a whale. If you ever come across a vehicle where bullets are flying, you can suffer serious injuries. An accident of this magnitude most likely will occur near woods or other areas where people are allowed to hunt animals, albeit not from their vehicles.No Roller Skating in the Streets
Almost everywhere you drive, you may come across pedestrians, bicyclists, skateboarders, and roller skaters. In some cities, you cannot lawfully roller skate in the streets, even if you are skating to the right of the lane close to the shoulder or on the shoulder. Lawmakers worried that skaters in the streets will lead to more serious accidents involving those people and vehicles.Drivers Cannot Leave Sheep Unattended in a Truck
If you ever pass a truck with unattended sheep sitting in it, that driver broke the law. This law makes some sense, especially since sheep might exit the vehicle and roam the streets, possibly causing serious accidents as drivers try to avoid hitting them.Do Not Honk a Horn After 9 p.m. in Front of a Restaurant
Have you ever wanted to honk your car’s horn to tell someone you are waiting for to hurry up? That is fine, but make sure you do not do it after 9 p.m. in front of a business that sells sandwiches or cold drinks. So, this means you cannot use the horn when sitting outside of a bar, restaurant, store, coffee shop, or any other establishment that might sell sandwiches and cold drinks after evening hours.Drivers Who Break Weird Traffic Laws
Even though the laws above are weird to most of us and might have sat on the books for decades, drivers probably break these laws all the time. Why? These are not common road rules like yielding to pedestrians in crosswalks, coming to a complete stop at a stop sign, yielding to oncoming traffic, not making a right on red without first coming to a complete stop, and more.
Since most of these weird traffic laws are unknown to most drivers, you may find yourself in a car accident with a driver who breaks one of these laws.
Some other weird traffic laws found throughout the country include the following:
- People cannot ride on top of a taxi
- It is illegal to park in front of a Dunkin Donuts in some states
- It is illegal to have a gorilla in the back seat of your vehicle
- In some areas of the country, the law prohibits you from driving black vehicles on Sundays
- People cannot sleep on highways
- You cannot ride a camel on the highway
- It is illegal to drive through a cemetery in some jurisdictions unless you are there to bury someone
- You cannot store trash in your vehicle in some towns
Why Do I Need a Car Accident Attorney?
If you suffer injuries in a car accident with a driver who broke one of these weird traffic laws, or any other traffic law on the books, you should contact a car accident attorney as soon as possible. Why do you need a car accident attorney? Here are seven big reasons why you should work with a car accident attorney:- The injury you suffered was so serious that it caused you to go to the hospital for further medical evaluation and care.
- The injury you suffered led to permanent disability or prevented you from returning to work, preventing you from earning a living.
- The car accident happened because of a defective part in the vehicle that hit your vehicle.
- The driver who was at fault in the car accident does not have car insurance or does not have enough car insurance to cover the damages you suffered.
- If a criminal act, such as driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, excessive speeding, a high-speed chase, or any other crime, caused the car accident.
- If the at-fault party who caused the accident has a lot of money or assets, you will want an attorney to fight for your right to compensation.
- Even if you suffered an injury through no fault of your own, and someone else in your vehicle also suffered an injury, you will need to secure a car accident attorney to represent you in a claim.
How Does a Car Accident Attorney Help?
When you suffer injuries in a car accident with a driver who broke a weird traffic law, a car accident attorney can help you stay focused more on your physical recovery and not worry about the legal aspect of the case. A car accident attorney can:- Conduct a thorough investigation of the crash that left you injured
- Obtain the police report
- Review your medical records
- Speak with witnesses
- Acquire expert witnesses to testify on your behalf if the case goes to trial
- File all of the required paperwork by respective deadlines
- Handle communications with insurance companies and other attorneys working on the case
- Negotiate a settlement with the at-fault party
- Represent you in court
- Answer all of your questions promptly
What Compensation Can I Receive in a Car Accident?
A car accident can be devastating for you and your family. Even if you suffer minor injuries, you can recover compensation for treating them and the time you miss at work because of them. It is difficult to put a finite price on how much compensation you can receive in a car accident claim because every accident is different. No two people suffer the same injuries in car accidents, and not all car accidents happen in the same manner. However, a car accident attorney can help you understand what compensation you might receive after a car accident, which includes:- Medical expenses
- Lost wages and benefits
- Pain and suffering
- Property damage
- Rehabilitative costs
- Renovation costs for updating your home to wheelchair accessible if you become paralyzed as a result of the accident
Steps to Take Following a Car Accident
Whether you suffered injuries in a car accident due to a driver who broke a weird traffic law or one they should have known, you should take the following steps to protect yourself and your rights.Seek Medical Treatment
If you believe you have any signs of injuries, you should get medical care. This includes feeling sore, stiff, or disoriented, as these can be symptoms of invisible injuries. When you see a medical professional, they can diagnose your injuries, recommend treatment, and record your car accident-related conditions. Medical treatment can improve your prognosis and help avoid complications in many situations. It also ensures that you have a prompt record of your injuries. This makes it more difficult for insurers to refute your injury claims.Consult a Car Accident Lawyer
If you have injuries and losses from a car accident and believe someone else was to blame, do not wait to seek legal help. Too many people lose the compensation they deserve because they assume the insurance process is simple and try to handle it alone. In reality, insurance companies can make it very difficult for injured car accident victims to get all the financial recovery they deserve. The best thing you can do following a crash and initial medical care is to allow a car accident attorney to assess your rights.How to Choose a Car Accident Attorney
Suffering an injury in a car accident can change your life instantly. When you need legal representation, your mind will likely spin in a thousand different directions, figuring out what you should do next. As you begin your search for a car accident attorney, make sure:- They have testimonials you can review on their website.
- They allow you to speak with current or former clients they successfully represented
- They have a strong policy of responding to clients promptly.
- They have extensive experience handling car accident claims in your area.
- The attorney emphasizes that they will not shy away from taking your case to court to help you obtain the compensation you deserve
- The attorney has access to expert witnesses who can testify on your behalf.
- Do you work on a contingency fee model?
- Will you communicate with the insurance company on my behalf?
- Will you attempt to negotiate a settlement before going right to trial?